Mette Hansdatter [55683]
- Født: Omkr 1530, 47. sg. Bjergegård, Vestermarie
- Ægteskab (1): Peder Hansen Uf [55685] omkring 1554
- Død: Efter 1555
• beskrivelse: fra Ole Plannthins gengivelse af Norman Lee Madsens noter. There are several bits of circumstantial, and contradictory, pieces of evidence concerning Mette Hansdatter's parentage:
1) Mette Hansdatter owned (inherited?) Fuglsangsgård (later known as Gaggegård, still later as: I Klinteby), 6' Vdg. in Ibsker - which she later passed down to her daughter's son Claus Gagge. For several generations previously Fuglsangsgård had been a Myre-family farm. First known to have been owned by Truid Myre (died circa 1489). The farm was inherited by his son Peder Myre, who evidently left it to his son Hans Pedersen Myre. Mette also owned Pæregård, 3' Vdg. (Nylars or Østerlars?), which she probably brought into her marriage Peder Hansen Uf as a dowry, as the farm thereafter became part of Simblegård's estate-lands. Store Myregård in Åker parish, which had previously been owned by Peder Hansen Myre (died 1572). Based on this, it is thought that Mette is the daughter of Hans Pedersen Myre.
2) According to an article called "De bornholmske væbnerslægter Uf og Splid - noget nyt om deres våbener", written by Sigvard Mahler Dam, Peder Hansen Uf and his wife Mette Hansdatter donated a pew to Saint Clement's Church. The text read: "Clement's Church: door to pew, carved oak framed with smooth fir planks - showing helmeted coats-of-arms with vesselhorn and the following markings: a shield with an upside down "gavlsparre" (chevron) design, and the other shield sporting a "halv Hummerklo" (half lobster claw). . ."
And further, it appears that Jørgen Gagge and his wife Margrethe/Merete had a memorial made to honour her parents Peder Hansen Uf and Mette Hansdatter. In 1601 they had cast a large church-bell (which later disappeared) for Klemensker Church. Bornholm historian Laurids Thurah states (circa 1756?) that the large bell displayed two coats-of-arms: one with a "Sparre" (chevron), the other with a "Giedde Kieft" (pike's jawbone). The Uf-family coat-of-arms displayed a chevron. This would seem to indicate that Mette Hansdatter's father's coat-of-arms displayed a pike's cheekbone (a "Geddekæft" or "Giedde Kieft", alternately referred to as a "halv Hummerklo"). Yet, the Myre-family coat-of-arms displays 3 ants (3 myrer)!
3) Sigvard Mahler Dam seems to have (ultimately) concluded that Mette Hansdatter is the daughter Hans Pedersen of Bjergegård in Åker parish, with the "Geddekæft" (aka "Hummerklo") coat-of-arms. I am assuming that as the three sons of Hans Pedersen Myre (died 1518?), of Fuglsangsgård in Ibsker, all died childless, the inheritance rights to the Myre family farms went to more distant relatives. That the reason Mette inherited the Myre-family farms is and that Mette was a relative (niece, cousin?) of Hans Pedersen Myre. Possibly Mette's grandmother, n.n. Myre, was the daughter of Peder Myre of Fuglsangsgård?
Conclusion: The fact that Mette Hansdatter's daughter Margrethe/Merete Pedersdatter (Uf) inherited Myre-family farms places a great deal of weight in favour of Mette being a relative of Hans Pedersen Myre (died 1518) of Fuglsangsgård. The assurtion that the coat--of-arms on the Klemensker pew-door and church-bell were dedicated to the parents of Peder Hansen Uf and his wife Mette Hansdatter points to Mette being the daughter of Hans Pedersen of Bjergegård in Åker parish. - Norman Lee Madsen, October 28, 2000.
This database researched and compiled by Norman Lee Madsen, Toronto,
Mette blev gift med Peder Hansen Uf [55685] [MRIN: 2238], søn af Hans Olufsen Uf [101906] og Anna Hansdatter Myre [101907], omkring 1554. (Peder Hansen Uf [55685] blev født omkring 1536 i Pg. Simblegård, Klemensker og døde i 1596 i Pg. Simblegård, Klemensker.)